Entries by Rosey Broderick

How to Track Social Media with Google Analytics

Firstly to implement tracking of your social media activity you must have a fully functional Google Analytics account set up. You will also need to embed a tracking code into your content; if you are unfamiliar with this process we have articles on obtaining a tracking code and adding the code to your site. Once […]

Best Analytics Tools

In any web-based business model, often the most difficult part is being able to measure progress. It´s impossible to see your actual customers whenever you´re online in the same way you would with a more traditional, physical business. How, then, can you measure their reaction to your online store front? How can you determine how […]

Adding Secondary Dimensions To Your Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a great product for website owners, it’s simple to use and free which doesn’t come often in this day and age.  There is so much information available, but most people barely use the data available at all.  Secondary Dimensions is a feature available on GA, and here is a bit more information […]

Defining Funnels in Google Analytics

After you’ve set up a goal and entered your goal information, you can define a funnel if you’ve selected a ‘URL Destination’ goal type. A funnel represents the path that you expect visitors to take on their way to converting to the goal. Please follow the steps outlined by Google to create your funnel:

What are Goals and Funnels in Google Analytics?

Goals Goals are a way to measure conversions on your website. A conversion occurs when a visitor does something you want them to do. This could be completing some type of high value process or viewing a specific page on your website. Google has provided other examples of good conversion goals:


4Q stands for “4 Questions” and is a free online survey solution that allows you to establish why users are on your website, are they getting what they what they want, if not, why?

10 Tips for LinkedIn Networking

Is your company on LinkedIn?  If your business does not have a LinkedIn page you may be missing out on opportunities to network and market your business online.  LinkedIn has millions of users worldwide and is growing rapidly as the only “professional network”.  On a personal level, LinkedIn profiles can be used as resumes, but […]

Mobile Marketing and Social Media, Are You Onboard?

Mobile phones are everywhere. If you are in a public place you will no doubt see dozens of them. These people are not always on a call, but they may be on the internet. People are increasingly becoming attached to their phones and will not leave their home without them. How many people do you […]