Keyword Strategy

Negative Keywords are a core aspect of any keyword list and can help improve performance of your PPC campaign. Adding a negative keyword to your ad group or campaign means that your ads won’t show for searches containing that term. This allows you to focus your ad to target exactly the searches that will bring […]

What is Quality Score within AdWords? The Quality Score is the rating Google give regarding the quality & relevance of both your KeyWords & AdCopy. It is used to determine CPC (Cost Per Click) & is multiplied by your max bid to determine an ad rank within the auction process. It’s important to ensure that your […]


Pay-per-click campaigns, or PPC for short, allow you to purchase clicks to your website from users who have searched for particular keywords on the Internet. Generally speaking, you’ll be driving traffic using this method to some website that will be making you money, so you’ll have an initial investment in the money you’re paying for your traffic, and […]

PPC Services
A quick PPC audit can help you to see if your advertisements have issue you are unaware of, so therefore are great to do to make sure you are getting the best ROI you can get.  There are only 5 simple steps to a PPC audit and here they are with a brief explanation of each.

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Google launched its new expanded text ads format in 2016, allowing a 2nd Headline & a longer description. AdWords will continue to accept new “traditional” text ads up until Jan 31st, 2017. After Jan 31st, your existing standard text ads will continue to run along with the new expanded text ads, but you will be no longer able to edit or create standard text ads.

Here are some tips on using the new expanded text ads straight from the horses mouth; Read more

These questions are questions you should ask yourself once you have completed your research phase and have collected data on what your campaign should be like, with information such as keywords, competitor campaign information etc.

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Google Analytics
With so much data available, how do you know which is useful to you?  One of the greatest ways to get information about your customers is to segment them into different groups.    Here are some great ways to segment your customers:

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Search Engine Optimisation
There are a few great ways to optimise your website further, let’s have a look at them!

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PPC Services
People use search engines, in most cases, for two things: to buy something or to ask a question. SEO shows its contributions here because those with the best content will rank the highest in order to be as helpful as possible.  Due to the use of SEO, some people forget about the other option available, PPC or pay-per-click.

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PPC Services

1. Instant Results

Once the ads and keywords are set up the campaign can go live immediately. This results in an instant increase in your web presence on search engines for key terms that your campaign is based around. Getting instant results can also be very beneficial for seasonal campaigns. Read more