PPC Services

PPC online advertising has been around for years and is continuing to grow. New advertisers are jumping on the bandwagon to run paid ads with the most popular platform continuing to be Google AdWords. There are a few problems new advertisers need to be aware of when entering into PPC online advertising. Read more

Pay Per Click is quite a unique way of advertising in the new world. For example, it is completely exclusive to the internet, and it works in a way probably never thought possible before. There are three Main advantages to using this type of advertising; Read more

Key PPC Tips

There is no doubt that having an appealing website that is easy to navigate around can play a role in increasing conversions. Similarly by making it as easy as possible for visitors to reach the information they are looking for will also contribute to high conversions.

Search marketing is all about generating traffic to specific sites, the more traffic generated, the more sales can come from it. There is an increasing move in search marketing towards getting higher conversion rates on our sites, which as many of you may know, is not all that easy. Sometimes you can lose sight of why search marketing is so important when all you see is data, this is why it is important to see the other factors that you can see from Pay-Per-Click.

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PPC, Google AdWords

Pay Per Click Advertising is an extremely effective tool for online marketing with numerous benefits. Having a PPC campaign allows you to expose your ads to millions of internet users, this increases the chances of potential customers visiting your site. It is also possible to tailor specific campaigns towards specific target markets which help attract quality visitors to your site. Setting up a PPC campaign allows you to start generating traffic immediately. However, having an understanding of the correct criteria in setting up and running a PPC campaign is vital to its success. We have outlined 5 top tips which will help you optimise your campaign and in turn increase traffic to your website. Read more

Pay Per Click

One of the most popular and potentially most profitable, new marketing strategies for businesses is Pay Per Click advertising. This form of advertising is online, and the defining characteristic is that businesses only pay for people clicking their ad, not simply paying for how many views there are to the ad. This helps advertisers pay only for the interest there is in their product. Read more

SEO Website Video

Whether you know it or not, rich content like videos are great for a website’s SEO.  Knowing this alone may not be enough, so here are some of the benefits of video content on your website that you may not be aware of: Read more

Business owners know that they should be using Facebook, but many don’t know what they should be doing on it in order to drive sales or generate business. Many businesses have very active campaigns and yet they still feel they are not getting the full value out of Facebook.

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Search Engine Optimisation
People often ask online marketers the steps or rules to SEO, but because it is constantly changing thing, it is hard to give a definitive step by step guide.  That said, a few things never change, and here they are:

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Facebook Update Tips
Most people are using social media marketing now to market their business online on channels such as Facebook.  Do you think about your Facebook status updates before you post them?  Did you know that with a bit of thought you can target your statuses to the audience that will appreciate them the most?  Here are some tips that can help to add a bit of targeting to your Facebook updates, remember to use them liberally and only as an add on to good quality updates.

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