Introduction to the Keyword Insertion Technique

What is the Keyword Insertion?

Keyword insertion is an advanced feature that can help make your ad more relevant to the searched term. Using keyword insertion involves you inserting a small piece of code into your ad text.This means that each time the ad shows, AdWords will be instructed to replace the code with the keyword that generated the ad.

The Keyword Insertion code: {keyword:default text}

When the ad appears on a search result page, the code will be replaced by the keyword that generated the ad. If the keyword is too long, which would cause the ad text to exceed its character limit (including spaces, 25 characters for the title, 70 characters for the ad text, and 35 characters for a display URL), the ad’s default text will be used instead.

Working Example: In the ad group ‘Stationary,’ you create the following ad using two instances of the keyword insertion code:


Buy {Keyword:Online Stationary}

From Quality Stationary Store

Best Prices Guaranteed! 

destination URL:{keyword:nil}


Depending on which keyword a user searches on, your ad will show in one of the following ways:

Keyword: Folders

Buy Folders

From Quality Stationary Store

Best Prices Guaranteed!


Keyword: Office Supplies

Buy Office Supplies

From Quality Stationary Store

Best Prices Guaranteed!


Keyword: Wholesale Stationary Store Ireland

Buy Online Stationary

From Quality Stationary Store

Best Prices Guaranteed!

Please note that the default text is used in the ad’s title when a user searches on ‘Wholesale Stationary Store Ireland’ since the keyword characters exceeds the limit. However, ‘wholesale stationary store ireland is inserted in the destination URL, as there’s no character limit restrictions there. specialise in setting up and running adwords campaigns. As PPC consultants we understand how to get the best results from PPC campaigns. Through conducting extensive keyword research and our ability to analyse campaign activity we ensure results to our clients. Avail of our current adwords special offer today.