PPC stands for  “Pay per Click”.  PPC is when businesses pay an agreed amount each time their ad is clicked by a user.  They are not charged when the advertisement is displayed, simply when it is clicked.  Advertisers set up how much they wish to spend per click in advance, although this can be topped up over time should they wish to do so.

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Pay Per Click Advertising success depends mainly on how effectively you write your PPC Ads. If the Ads are not compelling and attractive, then users are not going to click on you Ads. Ad Copy that is written correctly can result in higher CTR (click through rates) and increased conversion rates. We have compiled some general guidelines when writing Ad Copy for PPC Ad Campaigns. Read more

Although Google Offers highly targeted Advertising, Facebook Pay Per Click offers some unique opportunities that should also be considered when trying to reach your target market. Read more

Any good adwords professional will be able to tell you how LinkedIn advertising is now a must for any small to medium size business. LinkedIn is a professional social network. It allows business people to connect online with colleagues / classmates simply and quickly, converse online about similar areas of interest, find out answers from industry experts  or is even used now in seeking out potential employees. You may or may not already be aware but LinkedIn actually run its own form of Pay Per Click Advertising similar to that of Google Adwords. Read more

Website owners who are already rank well for their keywords often wonder whether it is worthwhile to also bid on these same terms on Google Adwords, wondering are the visitors who are clicking on their PPC ads people who could have been captured via the organic search results. And so was the company just paying for visitors they could have had for “free” (not actually free, but already paid for, since they will have paid for SEO work in order to rank highly in the organic results). Read more

Site link extensions are a feature in AdWords that offer you additional links to pages beyond the destination landing page in your Ad.  Sitelinks can help improve the Click Through Rate and in turn the Quality Score of Ads and allow you to create an enhanced experience for searchers. Read more

When it comes to PPC many businesses are of the opinion that they do not need to bid on their business name, the argument being why pay for brand keywords when we rank organically for these terms.  Big Brands such as Amazon and Domino’s Pizza bid on their business name even though their brands are well established and often have top organic placements. Read more

Location extensions allow you to attach your business address to your ads.  Location extensions can be set up quite simply by linking your AdWords Campaign to your Local Business Centre Account (Google Places). Once extensions have been set up Google will automatically match your business to a users location (or search terms) and show your business address in your ads. Read more

Last week Google announced the release of AdWords Editor Version 9.0 which contains both improvements to functionality as well as additional feature. All of which will help improve efficiency when managing your AdWords account. Here at WebResults.ie we are finding these updates very effective and they have made AdWords Editor more invaluable. Read more

Google Analytics Tips
Web Analytics implementations are important to the running of your analytics, if you are not organised with it you can so easily lose data because of it. The first thing any analytics campaign must set up is a place to test changes made t to settings. It is key to track changes made so that you can see how effective they were to the campaign and it also makes the data is easily understood by an analyst. Within this article, we will look at the common errors people make with their analytics. The list is only some of the mistakes, but be aware there are more that could be made.

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